Thursday, 28 July 2016

The MoonRock

The MoonRock is a comic I've been working on for about half a year and I finally finished it...

It's about a person who stumbles across a suspicious rock, finds a door on it and goes inside to discover a psychedelic wonderland which becomes scarier the deeper they go. They find a door and realise they'd been wandering their own mind the whole time and escapes to the heart. 

It's kind of my way of showing how deceptively beautiful the mind can be. It also has to do with how we only have so much control over our brains and we only have a very limited input to most of what's going on in there... The comic is basically an extremely watered down version of all these overwhelming thoughts. I dunno. Anyway, below are a select few pages from the final thing...


Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Beneath Our Skin...

'Beneath Our Skin' is a zine I've been working on which describes basic human anatomy. This zine is part of an on-going collection I'm doing of illustrated goods relating to science called the 'Little Scientist Club'. Although it's called the "Little" scientist club, I am hoping it appeals to adults as much as children!

This zine consists of 15 pages which take you through:
- The skeletal system
- The heart and blood
- The digestive system
- The urinary system
- Skin 
- The respiratory system
- The nervous system and brain
- The reproductive system
- The muscular system. 

Below are a select few pages from the zine. Orders are being taken now via email, instagram and facebook, however I will not be printing until September (due to a busy summer!)...

Saturday, 14 May 2016


Recent illustration of a Phrenology Head showing the different hand-drawn elements and the final piece rendered in Photoshop. 

Franz Joseph Gall invented the word 'Cranioscopy', now known as 'Phrenology' to describe his technique of determining someone's intellect and personality from the shape of their skull. Although this theory has now been proved (relentlessly) to be utter nonsense, Gall provided the concept of localisation within the brain - a substrate for modern neuroscience. 

Below: 1808 illustration of Franz Joseph Gall leading a discussion on Phrenology with colleagues. By T. Rowlandson
From: Wellcome Library, London 

Vaccinations - Yes or No

On Thursday I took part in Culture24's Museums at night event at the Hunterian museum in London. Visiting the recently opened exhibition about the history of vaccinations and a talk on the subject by Dr Richard Barnett, medical historian, poet and writer.

Richard Barnett lucidly lead us through the history of vaccinations and inoculations and the controversy surrounding the subject. He also took us through the illustrations used in his book 'The Sick Rose'. Which was commissioned by Wellcome to celebrate their decision to gradually upload the medical illustrations from their archives to their website so they can be viewed and used by anyone. Richard Barnett's books are all beautifully written and I would highly recommend them and his articles for The Lancet, UK medical journal.

An interesting point came up in the talk that those who are studying medicine or teach/practise the subject aren't judged for having an interest in medical illustrations, medicinal records etc. However people who simply have a passion for medical science and can't help but explore it (such as myself), are confronted by accusations of voyeurism, which I have experienced many times. I do think it's important respect the background of medical illustration, considering how unsettling they can be, and to be delicate with how we treat the subject matter, ensuring the medicinal and historical context remains. For instance these illustrations were created to document important developments in medical history and to get an understanding of the human body.The level of clinical objectivity with which we look at these illustrations is important and also a level of subjectivity, remembering these were real people suffering real diseases and illnesses which respectfully should not be overlooked. It would be easy to forget the context and use these images to shock, but why cheapen them? 

I also think it's important to remember, or consider the environment in which these illustrations were made. Think about illustrations showing the external effects of a disease on a patient (such as the watercolour illustration below by Christopher D'Alton in 1886). The image was created in a room containing the artist, the patient and perhaps medical staff, but what was the relationship like between the patient and artist? Was it purely subjective or speculative? Did they even talk? And think about illustrations of dissections. Imagine the intense environment in which they were made. They are such beautiful (however effecting), pure looking images that it's easy to overlook the amount of time and people that would have been involved, we almost even forget about the artist as the main focus is on the anatomist and/or cadaver.

Pencil and watercolour drawing illustrating lesions on the face, torso
 and arms of a man suffering from psoriasis and possibly syphilis. 

Watercolour 1866 By: Christopher D’Alton
Collection: Iconographic Collections
I was lucky enough to meet Richard Barnett after the talk and wandering round the Hunterian at night was pretty magical. Below are the books of Dr Barnett...

Horniman Museum and Gardens...

Visited the Horniman Museum and Aquarium in London in April. Collections include, anthropological, natural history, botanical and musical instruments. 


Short, emotional sequence...

Approach inspired by stories such as John Boynton Priestley's 'An Inspectors Calls' 1945 and Alfred Hitchcock's 'Rope' 1948 where the entire (immediate) narrative takes place in one place... 

Friday, 22 April 2016


Some gifs I made as part of my research for my Hematology project. 1: Red ink on acetate. 
2: Photogram animation (painting onto light sensitive paper (under the safety light) with stopper fluid; the biggest photogram was 4 x 2.5cm.
3: A section of 16mm film which I destroyed with ink and scissors. 
4: Final 'Hematology' film with sampled lecture sound piece.